Meow!!! Anne Hathaway in Full Catwoman Costume

Dark Knight Fans Approve Of Catwoman Costume.

I can literally hear all the Batman fans letting out a long hard sigh of relief. The first picture of Anne Hathaway in full costume for The Dark Knight Rises looked more like a hot futuristic biker babe. I know fans trust Christopher Nolan completely, but questions did arise as to whether Anne Hathaway would actually be “Catwoman“. Nolan strives to make his Batman universe as realistic as possible, so we don’t know what will be kept or thrown away.

More Production Stills from the Set the The Dark Knight

Batman fans will be pleased to know that Catwoman made it into the Nolan universe – with cat ears and all. The last time we saw Catwoman on screen was Halle Berry’s Razzie-winning portrayal. Could Hathaway revitalize the character the same way Christian Bale did from George Clooney??  Only time will tell, but I for one am anxious to see this feline interpretation. To be honest I expected something a bit more tactile and realistic. Don’t get me wrong, I think the costume looks pretty good, but I don’t think skin-tight leather and high heels make for easy combat sequences. All that being said, I have total faith in Christopher Nolan.

The Dark Knight Rises will be in theaters July 20, 2012, directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway and  Morgan Freeman.

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