Hollywood mogul Jerry Bruckheimer finds ABC as the home for his new drama about Navy Seals. The untitled project has a pilot commitment and is based on the live of Navy Seals and their
families. Ravich will be writing the script and producing along with Far Shariat, Jonathan littman and Jerry Bruckheimer.
Now this is nothing like what I have seen on TV and I think that is going to be well received by viewers. Here is why: With all the attention on the capture of bin Laden and the use of Seal Team 6 the curiosity about this secret covert team sparked our intrest. We ate it up like is was a movie. what S.T.6 was a specialized group of specially trained men whom are the best of the best. The closest to Jason Bourne that you can get in the real world. Because these men who carried out the mission identities are classified, we the people are left wanting to know more. Perfect timing for Bruckheimer.