Will Smith Violently Kicks A Man (Video)

Will Smith seems to be getting back into it, after a few years of not putting out any blockbuster hits and just producing, Smith is looking like he is ready to kick some butt. In the video, below, the 44-year-old Smith is getting his strength training on as he repeatedly kicks the bag looking like he is 23 years old again preparing  for one of the wave of movies that’s soon to hit the big screen. Smith is training with Bellator  fighter  Jamall “X Factor” Johnson who says “The actor is a fast learner.”

Will Smith movies are known for some of the highest-grossing films in the business adding up to a billion plus. Smith is in post- production for Men In Black III also starring Tommy Lee Jones which is set to release May 12. 2012

Check out the intense assault  in this video:

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