French model Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau has found herself in the middle of a heated debate over her editorial spread for Vogue Paris. The 10-year-old model is seen with full makeup, high heels and suggestive poses. This is nothing new for an editorial spread, except they usually don’t include 10-year-old baby faced children.
A spokesperson for the Mothers’ Union tells the UK Daily Mail, We have grave concerns about the modeling agency who represent Blondeau, which clearly does not know if it represents a child or an adult.
‘Photo shoots requiring her, a 10-year-old-girl, to dress in full make-up, teetering heels and a dress with a cleavage cut to the waist across her pre-pubescent body deny Blondeau the right to be the child she is.
Chloe Angyal, editor of chimed in,
“This isn’t edgy. It’s inappropriate, and creepy, and I never want to see a nine-year-old girl in high-heeled leopard print bedroom slippers ever again,”
Everyone isn’t bashing Thylane, her parents, the magazine or the agency that represents her, instead some are implying that everyone else is just plain jealous.
On her Facebook page, which totals over 700 fans, one fan writes: ‘Hey I just wanted to say that Thylane is absolutely stunning! xx’ while another writes ‘the awkward moment when a ten year old is prettier than you’.
And so the debate begins: Is a 10-Year-Old Vogue Model too young?