Megan Fox Frowns To Prove She Doesn’t Use Botox

Megan Fox, fresh off the heels of her well received Armani “The Face of Beauty” Summer 2011 ad campaign, set forth to silence Botox rumors in a set of humorous head shots on her Facebook page.

Fox posted a series of photos entitled “Things You Can’t Do With Your Face When You Have Botox” which displayed a range of facial contortions such as the highly wrinkled brow to the slightly surprised glare.

In a recent interview with Marie Claire Magazine, Fox explained how she prides herself on a more holistic, facial regiment than one favoring more expensive beauty products.

“I have to wash my face every 12 hours and then moisturize. I only take showers as I don’t like sitting in bath water. After my shower, I moisturize with Grape seed oil from Whole foods. It’s a great moisturizer and lighter than olive oil.”

If only Megan Fox had put this much thought into….say….”Things you Can’t Say About Your Boss When You’re Starring In A Blockbuster Franchise”.

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