Omarosa ‘Thanks God Every Day’ She Escaped the White House, Hints She Knows Identity of Mole Who Wrote NYT Op-Ed

Omarosa Manigault-Newman seems more than happy to be rid of the White House and its shenanigans.

On Wednesday, the former aide to President Donald Trump continued dropping hints about the secrets revealed in her best-selling tell-all book “Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House. Manigault-Newman, who appeared alongside Trump on NBC’s reality show “The Apprentice,” was one of the highest-ranking Black Americans on the president’s senior staff before her firing in February.

Since then, she’s made several bombshell claims about her former boss and others in his administration, going as far as to leak secret audio she taped on the inside. More damning tapes are yet to come, she’s warmed.

“I thank God every day!” Manigault-Newman tweeted, responding to a fan who praised her for getting out of the White House before things went from bad to worse.

“Be glad your done  — It’s not going to get any prettier than this,” another fan chimed in.

The New York Times on Wednesday published a scathing op-ed from an anonymous source purporting to be from inside the Trump administration. The unnamed author bashed Trump as a failing commander-in-chief, saying there’s a “quiet resistance” within the White House working to “thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”

The editorial sent shock waves across the country, leaving many to wonder who was behind it. Manigault-Newman thinks she has an idea. Among her guesses were Chief of Staff to the Vice President Nick Ayers; Assistant to the President Andrew Bremberg; Counselor to the President Johnny DeStefano; or White House political director Bill Stepien.

Omarosa Manigault-Newman

Twitter screenshot.

“I give clues to who from inside 45’s WH wrote the Op-Ed on page ((330)) of Unhinged,” she wrote in another tweet, followed by hashtags #SilentArmy and #ProtectTheBear.

The passage she references reads, “Rest assured that there is an army of people who oppose [Trump] and his policies. They are working silently and tirelessly to make sure he does not cause harm to the republic. Many in this silent army are in own party, his administration and even his own family.”

The cryptic tweet left folks begging for more dirt.

“Please release another tape that shows how unhinged Trump is. (Journalist) Bob Woodward totally corroborated your book. Congrats!”

“Yes, yes! more tapes please! We await w/ minted breath.”

“When is the next tape dropping?”

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