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Natural Healing: 6 Ways to Stop a Migraine Before it Starts

Migraines are not just headaches. They are more severe, even incapacitating, and last longer than average tension headaches, sometimes for days. They can also be accompanied by extreme nausea and overall body stiffness or reduced motor control.

Many experience what’s termed an aura before or during the onset of a full-blown migraine attack. This isn’t the same energy field that surrounds the body, which only some psychics can actually see.

Instead, it’s a combination of visual problems and dizziness or vertigo that some compare to a bad psychedelic trip.

Catch your migraine early enough to do something about it.

Even before an aura occurs, there are signs or symptoms that can let you know a migraine is on the way. They are called prodromes, which are early phases of any disease or attack. Prodromes can occur 12 to 24 hours before a migraine occurs.

Not all migraine sufferers experience prodomes for advance warnings. But it’s estimated that 60 percent do experience one or perhaps several of the following:

* Fatigue – especially noteworthy if it’s not appropriate or commonly experienced.
* Food cravings beyond what’s normal.
* Constipation or diarrhea that is unusual.
* Uncontrollable yawning even if not sleepy.
* Confusion, difficulty focusing, or irritability.
* Muscle stiffness around the neck area.
* Depression or euphoria that’s inappropriate.
* Excessive urination for no apparent reason.

Read More: Natural News

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