How Do I Tell My Friend Who Likes to Entertain Random Local Men When We Travel That She’s Uninvited to Our Next Girls’ Trip?

Three of my college friends and I planned a trip to go out of the country to celebrate my birthday last month. With respect to the sleeping arrangements, we decided to reserve an Airbnb with two bedrooms so that we would have plenty of space. Upon arrival, everything was just as we expected it to be, exceeding our expectations. We changed clothes hastily and exited our home away from home to go out into town and enjoy Mexico.  

While we were out on the first night, one friend in particular that I’ll call Monica was enjoying herself a little bit too much. She was accepting drinks from total strangers and going off with men without being accompanied by one of us, which went against our agreement. We talked to her about it before venturing off to another club, and she affirmed that she would tighten up and be safer — but to no avail.  

Stock image of Black female travel group (Photo: Pinterest/TaShona)

We got home at roughly 4 a.m., and were surprised to have Monica accept a visitor that she had just met. She took him back to one of the rooms and didn’t come out for a few hours. When she finally did, he simply left. I went off! Not only was she putting her own safety in jeopardy, but our safety as well. She didn’t seem to see the big deal and had the nerve to clap back.  

On our final night in Mexico, we decided to do a bar crawl around town. Again, we reminded Monica of the rules we had agreed upon, and she assured us she would follow them.

As soon as we got to the first bar, she ended up accepting several shots from some random guy with a very seedy demeanor. She spent most of her time talking to him that night, and when it was time to go, she was nowhere to be found.

We combed the area for close to an hour and finally found Monica in the parking lot in his car. We were livid. She was too drunk or high to walk, and we virtually had to carry her to our Uber so we could get her in and get back to our Airbnb.

Thanks to Monica, the trip was a virtual disaster. Between her blacking out, inviting strangers back to our home, and going off with strange men, the other women in the group have refused to travel with her in the future. Monica overheard me talking to a mutual friend of ours about our next upcoming trip, and she said she’s all in and can’t wait to go.

How do I subtly break the news to Monica that she’s not invited on this trip or any future trips for that matter?  

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