‘Nothing Should Limit You’: Allen Iverson and Reebok to Pay College Application Fees for Students at Iverson’s High School Alma Mater

It’s recently been announced that Reebook will be paying the college application fees for the junior class at Allen Iverson’s alma mater Bethel High School in Hampton, Virginia.

The donation is to celebrate the launch of Iverson’s Origins Pack by Reebok, which features the Answer V and Question Mid sneakers.

To celebrate Allen Iverson’s new sneaker launch, Reebok will pay the college application fees for current juniors at his high school alma mater. (Photo: Brian Stukes/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images)

“Nothing should limit you from applying to any school you want to consider,” said Iverson in a statement. “By working with Reebok to cover the application costs of rising seniors at Bethel High, I want the next generation of game changers to see college as a route to success, whether they want to be an artist or a doctor.”

There’s also a video that accompanied the announcement, and it shows Bethel High students talking about their future and where they want college to take them. The students received a brand new pair of Reeboks as well.

Plus, high school juniors from other parts of the United States have a chance to have their college application fees picked up by Reebok too.

Beginning March 4, they can go to Reebok.com and write a 200-word essay on how their college application fees being covered will allow them to reach whatever heights they’ve set for themselves.

Bethel High’s principal, Ralph Saunders, thanked Reebok for the gift and spoke highly of Iverson.

“I speak on behalf of the students, their families and the Hampton community when I say we are filled with gratitude from this Reebok donation,” said Saunders. “Allen Iverson is an integral part of this town, and we’re thrilled he continues to honor and support the school and community.”

There are about 400 junior students at Bethel High who are supposed to graduate in 2021 and receive the donation.

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