Phil Mickelson To Try $1 Million Shot on Monday Night Football

Phil Mickelson is taking his game from the golf course to the football stadium. And on Monday Night Football, no less.

It will not be quite like having to make a six-foot putt during Ryder Cup competition. But there will be some pressure, for sure.

On Oct. 15, Mickelson will be the halftime entertainment at the Denver Broncos-San Diego Chargers game at Qualcomm Stadium. He will be hitting a shot from one end zone to the other at different targets. If Mickelson, one of he PGA Tour’s best short-game players, hits a bull’s-eye he will will win $1 million for what is being called the “KPMG Chip4Charity” contest that will donate the money to First Book.

First Book is a non-profit organization that provides books for underprivileged children, and Mickelson will have a chance to donate nearly 400,000 books if he can nail the bull’s-eye.

If Phil hits the outer ring it’ll be worth $50,000, the next will be $100,000 and the bull’s-eye is a cool million bucks.

The Chip4Charity initiative goes hand-in-hand with the Blue for Books campaign that donates three books for every blue KPMG hat sold.

Mickelson said on the company’s website: “My wife, Amy, and I feel strongly that literacy and education are critical to the future success of today’s youth. I am extremely proud to be part of the Blue for Books campaign and it’s just great to know that for every blue hat I see out in the gallery each week, three new books are in the hands of kids who need them most.”

Mickelson is one of the most congenial players on tour and one of the most well-liked. He spends hours signing autographs and engaging the fans. This charity effort is another example of his commendable outreach.



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