Adorable Five-Year-Old Really, Really Wants to Know Why Obama Isn’t Still President

Parents know questions from their curious children can come in rapid-fire form and a Houston mother recently shared proof of that.

Tabitha Garcia is a 5th-grade teacher whose daughter, Taylor, was eager to learn why former President Barack Obama is no longer living in the White House.

“Why do we have another president?” 5-year-old Taylor asked. “Why did he go? Where did Barack Obama go? … Why do we have the president we have now at the same spot [Obama] was and why did he leave it anyway?”

Garcia explained a president can only serve two terms, which didn’t quell Taylor, who began another round of questions.

“But, how come Hillary [Clinton] did not get to be the president and why is she the loser?” she asked. “And what are they even supposed to be winning?”

Taylor continued asking about how a president is elected after her mother likened the voting process to Taylor voting for pizza or hamburgers at school.

“So Barack Obama voted for the President we have now?” Taylor asks, which Garcia answers by saying the public doesn’t know if Obama voted for Donald Trump.

“He won because a lot of people wanted him to be president … probably, maybe the people we have now, maybe these people voted for … Donald …Trump,” Taylor says disappointedly.

The mother and daughter circle back to Taylor’s original question of where the president lives and the child was not pleased by the answer.

“But why does he have to live there?” she asks. “I want him to live somewhere else. I don’t want him living in Texas!”

After Taylor learned Trump doesn’t live in Texas, she said she wanted Obama or Clinton to be president.

Her questions seemed to end soon after, but her quest for information isn’t over. Garcia wrote that Taylor wanted to watch the news with her “so she can learn all the things I know.”

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