Freedom Home Academy is an Afrikan-centered, independent school intended to build Afrikan children to be exceptional leaders and entrepreneurs, academically intense, disciplined and conscientious human beings. Its organic approach concentrates on reading, comprehension, vocabulary, mathematics, focus, geography, health, cultural enrichment and practical application.
With humble beginnings as a home school 13 years ago, Freedom Home Academy has grown into a truly dynamic institution where elementary and middle-school children learn on a high school and college level.
The school has achieved remarkable results, and parents that enroll their children in Freedom Home Academy are quickly rewarded with a child of high intelligence who is able to compete on a global level. Students as young as 5 years old can communicate in French, Swahili and Arabic; first-graders know the capitals of every country in the world and can show them to you on the map without hesitation; second-graders know all 72 elements of the periodic chart and the major systems in the human body and their functions.
Realizing that proper education goes beyond academics, students at Freedom Home Academy also learn to honor their ancestors, share their knowledge and be collective in their actions. They learn to reconcile differences with others and accept the consequences of inappropriate behavior. This character building, in addition to academic studies and cultural enrichment, helps set the tone for accelerated learning.
Freedom Home Academy Atlanta will launch Autumn 2017, with instruction for pre-K through fifth grade. They will offer French, Kiswahili, Afrikan martial arts, yoga, science, philosophy and more.
To bring awareness of — and raise much needed funds for — Freedom Home Academy Atlanta, Saturday May 13, Marcus Kline, director of Freedom Home Academy and publisher of Frontline magazine, will speak in Atlanta on the importance of an Afrikan-centered education.
Kline is widely regarded for his research and study of socio-political and world issues, as well as a deeply rooted commitment to the exploration and understanding of the African diaspora.
kline, and his late wife, Ashaki Boshum-Kline, co-founded Freedom Home Academy with an aggressive program supporting action-oriented education.
The goal for the students educated under his watch is the creation of a new generation of leaders born of the Afrikan diaspora, prepared for a highly competitive world, instilled with confidence and self-determination, who are motivated to dedicate their cumulative knowledge toward wealth building and sovereignty of Afrikans globally. Kline tours regularly to share his research and thinking, while he and his team continuously build upon opportunities to expand the school program and develop Freedom Home Academy in various cities and countries.
The event takes place on Saturday, May 13, 3-7 p.m. at The Return to Royalty Banquet Hall (879 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd., Atlanta, GA) and will feature demonstrations of courses offered by Freedom Home Academy Atlanta, including yoga and Afrikan martial arts. The fundraiser will also include a presentation on “Liberation thru Education” by FHA Atlanta Director Kalonji Jama Changa.
Seating for this event is limited, so purchase tickets in advance at