The mother of a 6-year-old elementary student has filed a lawsuit Aug. 11 after Chicago Public Schools failed to adequately punish a security officer who handcuffed her daughter in March.
Atlanta Black Star reported in March that 6-year-old Fernwood Elementary school student, Madisyn Moore, was placed in handcuffs because she allegedly took two pieces of candy from her teacher’s desk.
The school’s security guard held the student under a flight of stairs by the boilers for an hour until the child’s mother, Marlena Wordlaw, came to school.
Since the March incident, CPS fired the security guard but charges has not been brought against the former employee.
According to WLS ABC 7 Chicago, Wordlow filed a lawsuit alleging that the guard used excessive force on the student, false imprisoned her and intentionally inflicted emotional distress.
“He was pulling Madisyn from under the stairs with her hands behind her back,” Wordlow tells reporters in the news clip. “I don’t know how long she was under there, but she was sweating. She still had on a jacket. It was warm outside, so I’m trying to figure out why she still had her jacket on.”
Madisyn has been removed from school.
“I would like to know why he hasn’t been prosecuted. This is a battery. This is false imprisonment,” explains Jeffrey Granich, Wordlow’s attorney.
In addition, Wordlow tells ABC 7 Chicago that the district did not help her enroll Madisyn into another elementary school.