​Black Mizzou Students Tweet Horrifying Tales of Threats from Angry White Students Amid Growing Racial Tension on Campus

Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 1.27.05 AMThe University of Missouri says it is investigating threats made on social media and has increased security on campus but refused to cancel classes.

The reports of threats and intimidation came after days of protest at Mizzou, as students demanded the President step down for his ineffectiveness of handling racial issues on campus. On Tuesday night, the university announced that it had increased security in response to the threats.

On Tuesday, the University of Missouri Police Department said it confirmed that a “phoned-in threat” was made earlier in the day to the Black Culture Center on campus. The building doors were locked, and the facility was searched, but nothing suspicious was found, authorities said.

Threats were posted to the messaging service, YikYak, in which someone said they would “stand my ground and shoot every black person I see.”

The Twitter account for the Missouri Student Association, the undergraduate student government at the University of Missouri, posted the following screenshots from YikYak:

Early Wednesday morning, police announced the suspect was in custody.

Black students from the university began to evacuate from campus after a series of racist confrontations.

Students took to social media to share their accounts.

There university dismissed all accounts as rumors.

Black students began to contact professors to inform them of the current campus climate and their apprehensiveness of returning to campus in light of the recent threats and incidences. One professor, Dr. Dale E. Brigham, replied back to a student saying, “If you don’t feel safe coming to class, then don’t come to class. I will be there, and there will be an exam administered in our class.”

The campus police department said it was continuing to investigate the threats.

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