Though Apple has faced legal issues in China, the iPad is by far the most popular tablet among Chinese consumers. The iPad’s market share jumped to 72.6 percent in the second quarter, according to market research firm Analysys International. As reported by China Daily, that number proved to be a 20 percent rise over the first quarter of the year.
The second-quarter surge was triggered by two factors, according to Analysys. The latest edition of the iPad wasn’t even available for purchase in China until the second quarter. And price cuts on the iPad 2 convinced many customers to opt for the second-generation model.
In second place behind Apple was Lenovo with 8.4 percent of the Chinese tablet market. Samsung followed with a 3.5 percent share in the second quarter.
The iPad’s total worldwide market share for the second quarter was recently pegged at 68.2 percent by IDC, up slightly from a year ago.
At the same time the iPad has proven a hit among Chinese users, Apple has bumped into legal skirmishes in the country.
The company recently had to shell out $60 million to settle a dispute with Proview Technology over the iPad trademark. Apple also now faces a patent infringement suit in China over its Facetime video technology.
Source: CNET