Union Workers Encouraged to Get Involved in ANC’s Nomination Process

anuDurban – Municipal workers in KwaZulu-Natal were on Monday encouraged to take part in the African National Congress’ process of nominating ward councilors that would look after their interests.

“The state of the local government is currently not pleasing. But even though we are not happy, it is only the ANC that is fundamentally relevant to us,” South African Municipal Workers’ Union (Samwu) KwaZulu-Natal chairperson, Samora Ndlovu, said at a press conference.

He said the ANC was the only party that subjected its candidates for ward councillors to a grilling by the party faithful.

Their support, he said, would help union members ensure the ruling party nominated members for the upcoming 2016 local government elections who would understand municipalities and workers’ issues.

The union is currently in wage negotiations with the South African Local Government Association (Salga).

Ndlovu said that Salga’s offer of 5.4 percent was unacceptable as it was below the rate of inflation. Unions originally demanded an increase of 15 percent, which has since been dropped to 10 percent.

Read more at news24.com

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