See that image? Now picture it as a spaceship, with asteroids getting thrown at it by, I don’t know, a space cyclops or something. That’s what’s in store for us, as Warner Bros. is moving forward on an adaptation of Homer’s* epic tale of ships and lotus eating and monster whirlpools. Except instead of following the legendary hero Odysseus on a voyage home from the Trojan War across the seas of ancient Greece, it will be about some kind of science fictiony stuff. I suppose Syclla will go from a whirlpool to a black hole or something. The sirens are aliens who hang out in a nebula instead of serene seas. Just spitballing.
James DiLapo, whose script Devils at Play made the Blacklist, is set to write. I hate him, because he just graduated from college and he has a contract with a major studio. Hate. Apparently, Warner sees this as a potential franchise. But it could still be a cool movie. Heck, if The Anabasis can become The Warriors, anything is possible.
*I said “Homer” and you thought of the Simpsons, didn’t you? It’s okay. I always do.