Jeff Bridges To Play 'The Giver' In 2013 Film Adaptation

More rumors of a film adaptation of The Giver are surfacing. According to a report by Manolith, actor Jeff Bridges will play the lead role of the keeper of a futuristic community’s memories.

Because rumors have surfaced for many years that Eager Lowry’s novel would be brought to film, many fans may doubt the reliability of these recent rumors.   However, the rights to the fictional tale recently became available, after being held by Warner Bros.

Bridges originally envisioned his father, late actor Lloyd Bridges, to star in the lead role, but it appears that he will tackle the role himself.

“I originally thought of the role of the Giver as a vehicle for my father, the late Lloyd Bridges.  However, at 61-years-old I feel the time is right for me to do it,” said Bridges.

The Giver follows a boy who lives in a futuristic society where no one has any recollection of human history. The boy is chosen to become “the Giver”, and the passing down of humanity’s memories are facilitated by Bridges’ character.

Now that young adult novels like the Twilight series and Hunger Games have seen such incredible success, it is no surprise the timing of  the green light that has been given to The Giver project.

Vadim Perelam is expected to pen the screenplay, while  the film is rumored to be released sometime next year.


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