Aaron Hernandez’s Lawyer Insists Existence of Letter to Gay Lover Is ‘False’

Aaron Hernandez’s lawyers, (from left) Ronald Sullivan, Jose Baez, Linda Kenney Baden and Robert Proctor, speak to the press after Hernandez’s funeral. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

One of the late Aaron Hernandez’s lawyers is denying the rumor that the former New England Patriots tight end left a letter for his alleged gay prison lover.

As Hernandez’s family and friends gathered to bury him Monday, April 27, at O’Brien Funeral Home in Bristol, Conn., a judge ordered copies of his three suicide notes to be turned over to his estate, according to the Associated Press.

The attorney for Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez asked a Massachusetts judge to release the copies, noting Worcester District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr.’s office wouldn’t reveal their contents until the investigation into Hernandez’s death is completed. To protect the investigation, the judge said the DA’s office can redact information in the letters until the probe concludes.

Hernandez died of asphyxia by hanging after using bedsheets to commit suicide in his jail cell at a maximum-security Massachusetts prison Wednesday, April 19. He left three handwritten notes next to his Bible.

Buffalo Bills linebacker Brandon Spikes (second from left) Aaron Hernandez’s fiancée, Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez (third from left) and their daughter, Avielle (being carried) attended a private ceremony for the deceased New England Patriots tight end. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

Jenkins-Hernandez, their 4-year-old daughter Avielle and his alleged gay prison lover, identified, as Kyle Kennedy by a Boston 25 reporter, have letters addressed to them.


“Rumors of letters to a gay lover, in or out of prison, are false,” One of Hernandez’s lawyers, Jose Baez, told TMZ Sports Monday. “These are malicious leaks used to tarnish somebody who is dead.”

“My client is obviously saddened by the loss of his friend, Aaron Hernandez,” Kennedy’s lawyer, Larry Army Jr., said in a statement to the Daily Mail. “I met with him briefly at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center and I am just learning the facts surrounding the situation. The facts are that my client and Mr. Hernandez were not cellmates. Mr. Hernandez was housed in a single cell.”

Army revealed that there is a letter from Hernandez addressed to his client.

“But, neither I nor my client have seen the letter,” Army said. “We will be requesting that the letter be turned over to my client as soon as possible.”

He added that Kennedy had been removed from suicide watch and later told the Daily Mail that Kennedy made a request, which was denied, to share a cell with Hernandez.

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