Watch: Fox News Host Makes Outrageous Statement that Dylann Roof ‘Clearly Targeted Christians’ During Charleston Massacre


On Sunday’s edition of Fox NewsMediaBuzz, journalist Guy Benson joins host Howard Kurtz to talk about the apparent bigotry at play in the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting.

In the video clip from Sunday’s episode, Kurtz states that the reporting on the Orlando shooting ignores the bigotry of gunman Omar Mateen. The shooter killed 49 patrons and wounded an estimated 50 nightclub goers.

The host says that the Charleston, South Carolina shooting at the historic Black Emmanuel AME church — carried out by white supremacist Dylann Roof last June — was an attack on nine Christians, not nine Black people.

Benson: “These are gay people targeted because of who they are. They were out carousing with friends, celebrating in what they thought was dancing in a safe area in a culture that not always been super accepting of gay people. And that’s changing, which is a good thing. And they were having drinks, having fun and this person, based on and rooted in an ideology and his form of religion, he decided that his anger and hatred and bigotry towards that group of Americans was going to result in their deaths, and he executed 49 fellow gay people. Not all of them were gay necessarily, but it is stomach-turning.”

Kurtz: “And that’s true even if the killer turns out to have been gay or lately gay or hanging out at the gay bar, or whatever. But what do you make of media coverage and commentary that plays down the fact that 49 mostly gay people were killed, that it’s not a hate crime, as opposed [to] the shooting at the Charleston church, which clearly was targeted at Christians?”

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