9 Inspiring Black Saints You Probably Don’t Know About


St. Maurice

Born in 250 AD in Thebes, an ancient city in Egypt, St. Maurice commanded a legion of Roman soldiers who were ordered to kill rebellious Christians but refused.

As a Christian himself, he would not lie and sacrifice lives for the Roman gods but rather he decided to stand in truth for his one true God. Maurice and the other soldiers were sentenced to death.


St. Benedict the Moor, the Black

Born a slave near Messina, Italy, in 1522, he was eventually freed by his master and committed to living a solitary life with other hermits. Shortly after, he became a superior, a title that he believed he was unworthy of holding.

St. Benedict joined the Franciscan Friars, which relied on charity. It was said that he was responsible for multiplying their food source and became known for his healing and miracles around Italy. He is the patron saint of Blacks in the U.S.

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