Barbados Ready to Leave British Political System Behind After 375 Years

Michael Carrington

Michael Carrington

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados  — After experiencing the Westminster parliamentary system for 375 years, Barbadian politicians are saying they want a change from the adversarial mode of governance.

Speaker of Parliament Michael Carrington on Thursday said his reservation regarding Barbados Parliament is that the adapted the British Westminster system,  “appeared to pit government and Opposition inexorably against each other in aggressive, contentious and ofttimes seemingly unnecessary confrontation.”

Carrington, an elected member of government, was speaking at a joint meeting of the two chambers of parliament — House of Assembly and Senate — to mark the 375th anniversary of the institution in Barbados.

“Hunkering down behind traditional battle lines of political tribalism cannot help this country,” Opposition leader Mia Mottley said, adding, “bipartisan cooperation, led by a new generation of patriots who put the national interest above all else, is what Barbados needs.”

“Genuine parliamentary reform must find creative ways to embrace all talents and welcome all constructive contributions,” she said.

Within the Commonwealth, only the British Parliament, started in 1215, and the Bermuda Parliament, which began in 1620, are older than the Barbados Parliament.


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