Mother of Teenage Boy Killed by Girlfriend’s Father Wants Murder Charges


Zakia McCormick, mother of 17-year-old Johran McCormick, the Texas teen who was fatally shot  allegedly by his girlfriend’s father, wants murder charges brought against his killer.

Johran, whose family thought he was in New Orleans on spring break, was in Houston visiting a 16-year-old girl he is now believed to have been dating. Reportedly, neither Johran’s family or the girl’s father knew of a relationship between the two at the time of the altercation.

The father told investigators that he heard noises in his daughter’s room around 2:30 a.m. Thursday, which sparked the confrontation. He went to question the boy’s identity and the exchange led to Johran’s death.

Authorities say the major point of contention in those few moments was that the daughter denied to her father that she knew Johran.

The Harris County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the shooting. A grand jury will determine what charges, if any, are warranted against the father.

A factor sure to be brought into question is the Texas observance of the Castle Doctrine. This law, also known as the defense of habitation law, is very similar to the “Stand Your Ground” law.  The Castle Doctrine, however, protects those inside an occupied place.

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The Castle Doctrine gives the threatened person immunities that permit him or her to use force, including deadly force, to defend against an intruder and be absolved of any legal responsibility for the force.

Since the daughter knew Johran, he was not an intruder, but because the father was given false information, it is unclear whether the circumstances could be deemed murder. Prosecutor Warren Diepraam of Harris County’s District Attorney’s Office said Friday that it is unlikely that the father will be charged.

Shawn Curley, the teen’s father, doesn’t understand why the event escalated the way that it did.

“I wished the father could have asked more questions, he could have picked up the phone,” Curley said. “And for her to say she didn’t know who he was, that was most hurtful.”

Zakia McCormick is not sure why the father is not behind bars.

“If you take a life, you give your life,” she said. “We’re suffering. Why isn’t he suffering too?”

Funeral services were held for Johran on Sunday.

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