5 Signs The Black World is on The Rise

african phd's

Education and Academic Achievement

Did you know that Black immigrants from Africa have more college education and higher rates of degree attainment than any other immigrant group in the United States?  According to U.S. Census data, Nigerian immigrants have the highest levels of education in the nation, surpassing whites and Asians. Eighty percent of the population of the Caribbean Diaspora hold college degrees, says one World Bank study.

African and Caribbean immigrants are also among the most educated in other countries, such as Canada and England.

According to the study entitled, “African American Consumers: Still Vital, Still Growing,” between 2000 and 2009, the number of African-Americans with some college education or earning academic degrees has grown: 45 percent of men; 54 percent of women.

In  “Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey: Africa for Africans,” the Pan-African leader is quoted as saying:   “Education is the medium by which a people are prepared for the creation of their own particular civilization, and the advancement and glory of their own race.”  In other words, the purpose of education is to prepare people to solve the problems of their society.

The Black world suffers from a severe brain drain because the most educated among us are usually busy solving other people’s problems.  If the spirit that drives Black people to achieve the highest levels of academic success were harnessed for the benefit of our people, imagine how much progress could be made.

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