Gaming The System: Sony Sells 1 Million PlayStation 4 Units In 24 Hours


Sony released its PlayStation 4 game console this week, and the initial reviews from critics were positive, but now Sony has sales to back up those reviews. Sony revealed that it sold 1 million PS4’s in just 24 hours of releasing the console. According to

“We’re now getting our first look at how quickly the PS4 has sold since launch with some actual quantitative data. Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida took to Twitter to excitedly announce that a million PS4s have been sold within 24 hours of the North American launch of the system on November 15th.”

The million in 24 hours number means that this is Sony’s fastest selling console ever, surpassing the PlayStation 2′s launch in Japan which had units flying off the shelves back in 2000. For comparison’s sake, these are dramatically better numbers than the North American PS3 launch back in 2006.”

These huge numbers bode well for Sony which will be competing with Microsoft over the holiday season for best console.  The PlayStation 4 is also $100 less than Microsoft’s upcoming Xbox One and with Sony off to a fast start with the PS4, it could well become the dominant gaming console for the next few years. As also reported by

“The Xbox 360 sold about 326,000 units a little over a week into its North American debut. Will the Xbox One be able to demolish those numbers like Sony did with their launch? Microsoft is promising an enormous abundance of units available to purchase at or near release. This means it could outsell the PS4 due to availability alone, or it may fall victim to the whirlwind of negative press that’s surrounded the system for months, which may give it a slower start.”

People will now be watching to see what kinds of numbers Microsoft’s   Xbox One will do in the upcoming weeks, but the PlayStation 4 has set the bar quite high in the meantime.





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