Natural Herbs May Bring Relief to Hepatitis C Sufferers

Hepatitis C

There are approximately 180 million people worldwide who are infected with hepatitis C. Of those with access to conventional treatment, approximately 20-50 percent do not respond to therapy. The likelihood of responding to treatment is largely determined by the genotype of the virus. Genotype 1 is the most common in the United States, and it is also one of the most difficult to treat. The current mainstream standard of care for treatment of hepatitis C can result in many side effects, including flu-like symptoms, nausea, depression, injection site reactions, anemia, fatigue, headache and skin rash. There are a number of natural remedies with benefits such as increased feelings of well being, improved digestion and more energy.

Garlic improves the liver’s ability to metabolize and neutralize carcinogens. Of the sulfur compounds in garlic, the most well known is Allicin, which promotes the body’s detoxifying activities. Laboratory studies have shown garlic to be antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal. Garlic is helpful both raw and cooked, but the most effective way for viral control comes from eating it raw. Add it to baked potatoes, sandwiches, salads and fermented vegetables. Pesto is a common and delicious way to eat more garlic.

Turmeric is an antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antibacterial, and immune system stimulant. It also promotes production and flow of bile, protects against liver damage, reduces cholesterol and relieves arthritis. Turmeric is widely available as a dietary supplement as capsules or tinctures, but it is most economical to buy the spice. Some stores have a bulk bin section for spices, and this is the most cost effective option. One teaspoon is a good serving size, which can be blended into smoothies or simply stirred into a glass of water. Curry is a delicious way to add more turmeric to your diet.

Licorice is an immune system stimulator, and it has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-tumor, and anti-ulcer benefits. Licorice has a long history of use for coughs, colds and ulcers. Scientific studies have reported licorice as a modulator of the immune system: if the immune system is overactive, licorice calms it down; if it’s under-active, licorice pumps it up. It increases the number and aggressiveness of white blood cells, stimulates interferon production, and enhances antibody formation. Licorice has a sweet taste and is well loved by many. It can be used as a tincture, powder, tea or capsule. DGL Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice is available as a tasty chewable tablet.

Read more: Natural News

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