Robert ‘Iron Man’ Downey Jr. Comes to the Rescue of HTC

A few days ago smartphone maker HTC released a few ad trailers featuring Iron man actor Robert Downey Jr. The trailers came on the cusp of an announcement of HTC’s $1 billion campaign to bring its brand back into the spotlight it enjoyed before Samsung took over the Android market. The first full advertisement featuring Downey has arrived.

According to

“After much fanfare including a mundane video teaser, HTC just released the first part of their latest advertising campaign. Starring Robert ‘Iron Man’ Downey Jr. The video spot is, well, memorable. It’s a touch crazy, a bit confusing, and doesn’t showcase anything HTC makes. But you won’t forget it. And that’s what makes for an effective ad.”

HTC is going to be running this #HTChange campaign for two years, and is really banking on it to turnaround its current finical situation. As reported by

“Even though the Taiwanese company has proved its ability to compete with tech giants like Apple and Samsung, and is also gearing up to unveil its 5.9 inch HTC One Max phablet, its profits have been dwindling on a regular basis. Hence, the ad campaign appears to be HTC’s way of drawing consumer attention towards the company as a whole.”

Robert Downey Jr. may just be the man for the job. Although some people are giving Blackberry’s failed celebrity experiment with Alicia Keys and as a reason why HTC’s relationship with Downey Jr. won’t work, the situations are starkly different. Blackberry’s misfortunes stemmed from their crappy products. A celebrity of LeBron James’ stature couldn’t help them from their demise.

HTC on the other hand, once a leader of the Android ecosystem, has been out- marketed by Samsung. This new campaign with Iron Man can put them back in the game.

According to

“It is odd that Downey, one of the highest-paid stars in Hollywood, arrives as the representative of “subversive thinking” and manages to sell it. Somehow, the guy manages to pass the whole thing off as a joke that you and he, and not the squares in the ad are in on, hence the building of the Humongous Tin Catamaran.”

Hopefully The Company (pun intended) can laugh at this one all the way back to bank.

Check out the video and comment below




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