Tech Wars: Apple TV vs. Google TV

Apple and Google have a strange relationship; sometimes they’re partners and other times they’re competitors. And this week both companies made announcements about television technology, Apple TV and Google TV.

Television is a wildly coveted arena for all the tech companies because it completes the ecosystem by providing customers with solutions for their living room.

According to

“Apple is developing ad-skipping technology that would let owners of its Apple TV set-top box and future television devices watch shows without commercials, people with knowledge of the matter said.”

And as for Google, its announcement was a bit more intriguing this week as it is trying to negotiate with the cable companies to provide live television through the Internet.

As reported by the Wall Street Journal:

“Google has recently approached media companies about licensing their content for an Internet TV service that would stream traditional TV programming, people familiar with the matter say.

“If the web giant goes ahead with the idea, it would join several other companies planning to offer services that deliver cable TV-style packages of channels over broadband connections.”

The Google TV news has bigger implications than Apple TV this week as most viewers already have the capability to skip ads.

Observers are inclined to think that Apple will have more success negotiating with the content providers for television, as it has been able to do so in other arenas.

Google had tried its hand at television arena before with very little success, with the launch of its Google TV set top box. But it should be noted that the company seemed to have learned from that experience. While its initial approach was to bypass and disrupt traditional TV and now its are working with them.

Either way, the battle for your living room is still in its preliminary stages. Apple is still slowly building out its Apple TV set top box, which is probably an initial push before it releases its much rumored iTV, which would be a full on TV set.

Google and Apple are not the only ones gunning for the 5 million people who’ve already ditched the cable companies. Intel, Hulu and Netflix are also on the radar.

We will continue to follow any updates in this arena. In the meantime check out the video and tell us what you think.


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