US Presence in Jordan May Lead to Support of Syrian Rebels

The United States may be heading toward military support of rebels in Syria, CNN is reporting.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel ordered the deployment of additional troops to Jordan. The troops will work with the Jordanians to “improve readiness and prepare for a number of scenarios.”

The deployment will include communications and intelligence specialists who will help the Jordanians become ” ready for military action,” a Defense Department official said.

Hagel warned the officials that direct military action with Syria could be costly.

“It could embroil the United States in a significant, lengthy and uncertain military commitment,” he said.

The troops being sent to Jordan are from the 1st Armored Division out of Fort Bliss, Texas.

The U.S. already had Patriot missile batteries in Turkey and dozens of troops already in Jordan, the Los Angeles Times is reporting.

This would be the first possible step toward direct military action by the Pentagon.


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