Boston Bombing YouTube Hoax Gets 'Family Guy' Episode Pulled

Seth MacFarlane, creator of the Family Guy animated series,  is up in arms over a YouTube hoax that prompted FOX to take down one of the episodes from the internet.

After the tragic Boston Marathon bombings occurred on Monday, a re-edited clip of Family Guy surfaced on the web suggesting the episode titled Turban Cowboy had predicted the bombings.

In the episode, which aired on TV last month, main character Peter Griffin is seen using his car to run over a runner so he could win the race.

When asked by sports announcer Bob Costas about his performance he says: “I’ll tell ya, Bob, I just got in my car and drove it,” Griffin says. “And when there was a guy in my way, I killed him.”

Later in the show Griffin is depicted associating with a terrorist who is plotting to blow up a bridge. The terrorist gives Griffin a mobile phone, which he uses to accidentally detonate the bomb.

In light of the latest circumstances, Fox has since pulled the episode from and, according to Gaude Paez, a spokeswoman for the network.

In response, MacFarlane slammed the Family Guy mash-up, tweeting: “The edited Family Guy clip currently circulating is abhorrent. The event was a crime and a tragedy, and my thoughts are with the victims.”

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