This week’s episode of CW’s The Carrie Diaries TV show is named “The Long and Winding Road Not Taken,” and on her seventeenth birthday, Carrie torn between an opportunity to mingle with New York’s literati and spending time with her friends and Sebastian. Mouse (Ellen Wong) goes to extensive lengths to impress a Harvard alum who has her eyes set on West, with hilarious results. Walt starts taking responsibility for his previous actions. Elsewhere, Dorrit’s search for the perfect gift for Carrie lands her in a sticky situation with romantic possibilities.
The Carrie Diaries revolves around Carrie Bradshaw, in her senior year of high school in the early 1980s. Where she is asked her first questions about love, sex, friendship and family while navigating the worlds of high school and Manhattan.
The series stars AnnaSophia Robb as Carrie Bradshaw, Austin Butler as Sebastian Kydd, Ellen Wong as Mouse, Katie Findlay as Maggie Landers, Stefania Owen as Dorrit Bradshaw, Brendan Dooling as Walt Reynolds, Chloe Bridges as Donna LaDonna, Freema Agyeman as Larissa Loughton and Matt Letscher as Tom Bradshaw.
The Carrie Diaries episode 10, “The Long and Winding Road Not Taken” airs Monday, March 18, 2013 at 8pm on The CW. Spoiler video below: