If you turned on your TV, browsed the Internet, or opened an entertainment magazine during the last week, you knew that The Walking Dead Season 3 premiere was last night on AMC. Fans have been anxiously awaiting the shows return and AMC most definitely amped up the advertising for it. All weekend AMC played old episodes of The Walking Dead, complete with a countdown in the corner to the new episode. While I felt a bit inundated by the constant promos, I was nevertheless excited to watch.
It’s fair to say that Season 2 left fans emotionally scarred, but ready for more flesh eating zombies. The fate of Sheriff Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and his band of misfits was up in the air as they fled the Hershel’s zombie infested farm in the Season 2 finale. Season 3’s opener, ‘Seeds’ picks up a few months after that. We see Rick’s wife, Lori (Sarah Wayne Callies), is still pregnant and pretty much ready to pop, while the rest of the gang has honed their zombie-slaying skills. As expected, the show was rife with walker encounters and some bad ass moves to take them down. It was cool to see different characters embrace their inner zombie killer, such as the previously timid Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohen). I enjoyed seeing a renewed camaraderie between the group, most likely attributed to Shane’s exit. There was, however, a sense of coolness and distance between Lori and Rick, he’s clearly still not forgiven his wife for her misdeeds. The opener also shows us that Andrea has made friends with her sword wielding savior from last season’s finale, but she seems to have come down with the flu. You’d think in a zombie apocalyptic world they’d get a break from some typical ailments, but apparently not. Anyway, this sets the scene for an entirely new plot line and ultimately the introduction of a ruthless new villain, The Governor.
The episode was gritty and surprising in true Walking Dead form. I spent the summer trying to recover from last seasons heart wrenching closing episodes, only to be taken on yet another emotional roller coaster. Some might think the gory zombie killing and the constantly being on the run is getting old, but critics can rejoice- Season 3 promises new demons (along with the zombies of course) and some mild sense of stability. Overall, ‘Seeds’ was very satisfying and I can’t wait for next Sunday’s episode, but can do without the in your face advertising.