Whether you have to work, want to work or fall somewhere in-between, a recent study by the American Psychological Association revealed that full-time working mothers are happier and healthier than their non-working counterparts. Perhaps it’s time to let go of the working mom’s guilt and instead focus on the many benefits working full-time brings to a mother and her family. Here are seven ways full-time work benefits mothers:
1. It allows moms to live out their purpose. For many moms, their purpose doesn’t stop with motherhood. Every woman is created for something special. For many women, this something special includes and extends beyond being a mother. Passions, talents and interests often guide a woman’s educational career path and choices. If their purpose beyond motherhood is left unfulfilled, mothers may feel unsatisfied and even resentful. Career And Family: Can We Really Have Both?
2. It gives moms financial control. As valued financial contributors, full-time working mothers aren’t forced to rely solely on the income of their spouses. Mothers who earn a full-time income feel confident in their right to make financial choices for their family and don’t feel guilty about spending someone else’s money.
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