Journalist Prank Sends Rapper Pitbull to Alaska

Rap star Pitbull has performed all over the United States during his meteoric rise to fame. But his next stop is a place few Americans have ever seen: Kodiak, Alaska.

The tour stop was announced on Tuesday and, according to Fox News, the trip is a result of a marketing deal and a little mischief by Boston Phoenix writer David Thorpe.

Pitbull agreed to visit whichever Walmart got the most “likes” on facebook in a promotion for Walmart and Sheets Energy Strips. When Thorpe heard of the promotion, he started a campaign of his own to send the rapper to the Walmart in Kodiak.

Kodiak is home to about 6,100 people but managed to receive over 70,000 likes on facebook. Walmart spokeswoman Sarah Spencer said that details of the trip are still being worked out and they aren’t sure whether it will be a one- or two-day trip.

Pitbull assured his fans in Alaska that he was looking forward to the trip via YouTube.

“I heard that Kodiak, Alaska has the most likes due to someone who thinks he was playing a prank. I said, ‘OK, great, this sounds really good.’ You have to understand I will go anywhere in the world for my fans.”

Pitbull went even further, inviting Thorpe to come with him. “I want to invite that someone who thinks it’s a joke to Kodiak, Alaska, with me.”


Thorpe claims he holds no ill will toward the Miami rapper, he merely saw the promotion as a way “to disrupt a corporate social media campaign, since they really set themselves up for it.”

Thorpe has no idea what to expect when the two see each other in Kodiak, but he does have one regret. “I guess my one regret is that everyone on the corporate side will probably spin this as a Big Social Media Win, which is kind of gross.”


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