Red Tails Tristan Wilds and Melonie Diaz have joined the cast of Fruitvale. The upcoming film is a drama about the true-life police shooting of Oscar Grant, the unarmed young man who was shot and killed by Oakland’s Bart police a few years back.
Oscar winner Octavia Spencer and Michael B. Jordan have already signed on to Fruitvale, which will bring the Transit police shooting of Grant back to life. Many people taped amateur footage of the event with their cell phone cameras, which lead to the officer’s arrest and several protests and riots.
Ryan Coogler is writing and directing the film, which will be his debut. The movie comes in the wake of another controversial shooting surrounding the Feb. 26th death of Trayvon Martin in Florida. Martin is the black teen who was gunned down by a neighborhood watch officer.
Wilds will play Grant’s best friend and Diaz will play the mother of his young child.