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How the Red Cross, Clinton Foundation, Foreign Aid Amplified Devastating Impact of Hurricane in Haiti

In an Oct. 7 The Real News profile, reporters examine the roles the United States, U.N., Red Cross and Clinton Foundation played in the 2010 Haitian earthquake recovery.

Over the last week, Haiti has been subjected to intense flooding due to hurricane Matthew. According to The Real News, the devastation has left 350,000 people in need, a cholera outbreak, and countless others without medical supplies or shelter.

This latest report connects the recent recovery to the 2010 relief effort. Recent allegations of misconduct come from a 2015 exposé that revealed that the Red Cross only built six permanent homes after the 2010 catastrophe. The exposé also showed that the half a billion dollars raised was not used to build 135,000 shelters as previously reported.

The Real News contributor Laura Sullivan says the Red Cross did not have a concrete plan to build homes.

“They had the resources. They did not have the knowledge. And one of the senior officials we talked to was in charge of their Haiti shelter program, Lee Mullaney, and he said they just never had a plan for housing.”

The report also alludes to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s role in fixing Haitian elections and the Clinton Foundation’s mishandling of relief efforts. Furthermore, experts in the clip attributed it to Haiti’s current condition.

Lastly, TRRN‘s Jaisal Noor reports that locals have asked foreigners to donate to local charities fearing that the Red Cross would misuse the donations.

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