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7 Easy Steps to Healthier Eating Habits

Unless you spent the last few years outside of our solar system, you must have realized how our Western diet is causing an epidemic of obesity, along with other negative impacts on our health.

We all know we should exercise and eat healthy foods, but with today’s busy schedules, many people find it incredibly hard to take proper care of their diet. Too often, we end up with take-away fast food or random snacks from the vending machine.

Even if you can’t change your eating habits completely, you can make a few smart choices to get you started in moving towards eating better and more nutritious food.
We have listed seven easy decisions that you can make without committing to changing your eating habits; seven decisions that have a positive impact on your health, and overall well-being:

1. Replace juice from concentrate with fresh juice

If you buy juice from the grocery store, look in the fridges for the juice that is not made from concentrate. You will give yourself more vitamins and nutrients, and thus more energy by making this choice. Keep in mind that fresh juice lasts between three days (when containing berries) to a maximum one week (fresh orange juice) in your fridge.

2. Ditch the sugary breakfast

When buying your breakfast cereal, turn the package around and quickly check the ingredients. If sugar, high-fructose corn syrup or a similar sweetener are among the first ingredients, don’t buy it. Try a cereal with more grains and less sugar instead.
If you usually buy prepackaged oatmeal, note that these contain lots of sugar and artificial flavoring as well. Buy regular oats, and add your own honey, cinnamon, raisins, nuts, etc. to it.

3. Bring your own snacks to the office

Make sure you have something to snack on in your office, so that you can avoid expensive and unhealthy snacks from the vending machine. When shopping at the grocery store, simply get yourself some healthy items, and then store them in your office for whenever you need it. Fruits, nuts, dried fruits and baby carrots make great and energizing snacks to take to work.

Read more: LifeHack

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