Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained has already become the center of attention the entertainment world, but the famed director seems to only have one thing on his mind: another rumored spin-off, Killer Crow. The famed director recently sat down with The Root to explain what Killer Crow is all about and what it may have to offer to audiences.
According to Tarantino, Killer Crow is a companion story to Inglourious Basterds, following a set of black soldiers rather than white Nazi hunters.
“My original idea for Inglourious Basterds way back when,” he explained, “was that this [would be] a huge story that included the [smaller] story that you saw in the film, but also followed a bunch of black troops, and they had been fucked over by the American military and kind of go apeshit.”
While Killer Crow‘s story is eerily similar to what is presented in Inglourious Basterds, Quentin Tarantino is insistent that it was originally a major part of the original film’s storyline.
“The black troops go on an Apache warpath and kill a bunch of white soldiers and white officers on a military base and are just making a warpath to Switzerland,” he said. “So that was always going to be part of it, and I was going to do it as a miniseries, and that was going to be one of the big storylines.”
The idea of Quentin Tarantino doing a miniseries is tantalizing to say the least. But the idea of yet another period piece from the quizzical director is even more mouth watering.
“When I decided to try to turn it into a movie, that was a section I had to take out to help tame my material,” Tarantino said. “I have most of that written. It’s ready to go; I just have to write the second half of it…That would be the third of the trilogy. It would be called Killer Crow or something like that.”
Django Unchained is currently dominating box offices with sales and the media with controversy. We’re sure Quentin Tarantino doesn’t mind. Hopefully, in the near future, he won’t mind casting and shedding more light on Killer Crow’s overall storyline. Or letting it go the way of KIll Bill Vol. 3 — you know, the one that never existed in the first place.