A woman refused to backtrack on her racist comments after she was approached for spewing racial language at a Black man in front of his children on Monday Afternoon.
Dawn Lennon recorded her encounter with a rude stranger who hurled a racial slur at her husband at a Walmart in La Plata, Maryland. She told WJLA that the woman became upset over a parking space.
“So while leaving the Walmart parking lot my husband was called The N Word, because he didn’t move out the parking spot the way she wanted him to,” Lennon wrote on Facebook.
(photo credit: WJLA screenshot of white woman admitting to saying N-word)
Lennon said she chased down the woman who’s been identified as a Potomac Landing Elementary School employee and pulled out her cellphone.
“Did you just call my husband the N-word?” Lennon asked the woman in the video.
The white woman wearing a Washington Redskins coat responded back, “Yeah I did.”
Lennon’s children were with her during the time of the confrontation. She told the news station that she wanted her children to see the “racist rhetoric and bigotry” in today’s society that shouldn’t “be tolerated.”
The thing that really stuck out to Lennon was that the PGCPS employee didn’t back peddle on her racist remarks and proudly admitted to doing so.
“She was proud of it and didn’t try to deny it,” said Lennon.
Prince George’s County Public Schools said they’re investigating the incident and are managing to “address parent & community concerns.”
The spokesperson for the school district stated, ” Diversity & tolerance are our core values. we expect all members of the PGCPS community — administrators, faculty, staff & students — to behave in a respectful manner.”
PGCPS said the employee is not permitted on the school’s premises while the investigation is ongoing.
Lennon said she couldn’t believe the school employee would use such language and feels the woman needs to apologize.
“She needs to apologize to those children. She needs to realize what she did.”