A Black Easton, Pennsylvania, high school student may be punished for confronting a white peer who posted a racially charged video of him eating chicken wings to the Internet in October. Meanwhile, the white perpetrator may face ethnic intimidation and harassment charges.
In October, the 14-year-old white student at Saucon Valley High recorded the 16-year-old Black student eating chicken wings. The unnamed teen narrated the video, calling the Black student the n-word throughout and making references to the student “being broke and on welfare.”
He then posted the video on Snapchat for others to see. The Black student discovered the video on social media and confronted the white teen at a football game. According to 6 ABC Action News, the Black teen was charged with assault and other offenses for that confrontation.
Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli opened an investigation into the incident after the Black victim’s attorney showed him the video.
“It is not a crime to be a racist,” Morganelli said. “But when you start to intimidate and harass people based on their race and videotaping, posting it on the Internet and referring to them in that type of racial terms, that to me crosses the line.”
6 ABC Action News reported that the incident is one of many racial events at Saucon Valley High. In another case, a student was told that the water fountain she was drinking from was for whites only.