Chicago Rapper Gets Robbed At Gunpoint, But How Officers Responded Upset Him the Most


On Aug. 27, Chicago, Illinois rapper Che Smith, also known as Rhymefest, recorded his interaction with desk officers after being a victim of a robbery.

According to Raw Story, a burglar hopped into the rapper’s vehicle Saturday, held him at gunpoint and took his wallet.

Subsequently, Rhymefest went to a police precinct near his home to file a police report.

In the clip, the rapper asks officers for assistance.

However, the desk cops hassle the distraught gentleman and scold him for not choosing a precinct closer to the robbery.

“When I walked through the door, and she asked me what was wrong, she kept eating, she kept playing Candy Crush ,” Rhymefest says. “[The robber] put a gun to my head. They demanded that I give them my wallet. [So] I gave them my wallet. [The robber] told me they were going to shoot me. [Then] they ran. The first thing I did was come here to the police station, sir.”

Mayor Rahm Emanuel has since responded to the incident.

“The issue should be that he was held up at gunpoint,” Emanuel said according to DNA Info. “It shouldn’t be how a guy came in to do a citizen’s report on what happened to him and [have] it become the event.

“Had that officer acted appropriately, we’d be dealing right now with who did the mugging, which is where we should be.”

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