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Nick Cannon Says Only Way Trump Gets Black Vote Is Putting His Money Where His Mouth Is


In a Tuesday interview with Germany’s Deutsche Welle News, actor, activist and mogul Nick Cannon talks about the power of the Black vote, Black Lives Matter and police brutality while protesting in Cleveland, Ohio at the Republican National Convention.

In the clip, Cannon says that a “lack of representation of Black” people compelled him to protest today. The rapper and activist urges other Black people to abstain from voting until both political parties recognize and respect the issues of Black people.

“Both parties are not speaking to our issues,” Cannon says. “They have been taking our votes for granted. In order to feel safe in this criminal justice system, we have to step out of the system to show you the power of our community.”

Then, the reporter asks Cannon about how Trump could fix his chances with Black voters.

Cannon says that there are no Trump Towers in the ‘hood and that he should come speak to Black people if he is interested.

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