Caribbean Professionals Urge Region to ‘Extend Some Goodwill’ to Economically Ill Venezuela

Melanius Alphonse and Denys Springer (St. Lucia Mirror, St. Lucia Times)

Melanius Alphonse and Denys Springer (St. Lucia Mirror, St. Lucia Times)

Two Caribbean professionals are of the view that the Caribbean “has a duty” to extend some goodwill to Venezuela in its time of need.

The suggestion from Management and Development Consultant Melanius Alphonse and Political Analyst Denys Springer came amidst the continuing social and political unrest in the oil rich country.

“We accepted all what they had to offer; I think we can give a little back in return. We can at least send something for them and tell them thanks for the goodwill that you extended to us when things were nice,” said Alphonse who has written extensive articles on the subject matter.

A similar response came from Springer who noted that tangible support for Venezuela should come from all the members states of the Caribbean Community.

“They have done so much for us even when they were having their own problem and consequently I think that we should be doing something throughout the Caribbean and I think Caricom too should have a role to play in helping our neighbours because it does not mean they would be in that position forever,” Springer said.

Venezuela is facing an economic crisis — mostly due to falling global oil prices — with an inflation rate topping 180 percent, according to official figures.

High inflation has caused the state currency to be worthless and it has become harder for businesses and the government to import goods and other essentials.


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