Young, Black and Successful: Facebook’s Kay Madati

Facebook‘s story is one of the best in tech history. To go from an idea in Mark Zuckerberg’s head to being known by a billion people on the social network is a great feat. However, whenever the Facebook story is told, the one thing you rarely see is a black face. That’s why it was refreshing to learn that Facebook’s head of Entertainment and Media is Kay Madati. According to his press team:

“Madati leads the Facebook team that creates marketing strategies for television, theatrical and media partners and positions the social media giant as a key player for entertainment content publishers and distributors. He is considered an expert in leveraging technology and media to engage consumers.

“Prior to joining Facebook, Madati – a Tanzanian citizen – was the Vice President of Audience Experience for CNN Worldwide and has also worked as a marketing executive for Community Connect Inc., a web publisher of sites like and; and BMW of North America.”

It is always wonderful to celebrate those in such prominent positions. Mr. Madati is scheduled to speak at the New York State Society of CPA’s Sports and Entertainment Committee meeting Wednesday, September 25th in New York City. It will certainly be a pleasure to hear his thoughts on how social media and entertainment interacts and what trends he sees coming in the future.

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