Beyonce Shows No Sign of Baby Bump in Return to Stage

While Kelly Rowland is revealing to the world she was once jealous of Beyonce’s success, Bey was taking time to write a letter to her fans after she had to cancel her Tuesday night concert in Belgium.

“To my dearest fans in Antwerp,” the letter reads. “I’ve never postponed a show in my life. It was very hard for me. I promise I will make it up very soon.”

She also apologized for disappointing her fans before thanking them for showing so much concern about her condition.

While her doctor ordered her to take another night off, Blue Ivy’s mom refused to disappoint her fans two nights in a row and took the stage for a stellar performance anyway.

“Now, my doctors told me not to perform tonight, but there was no way in the world,” Beyonce said as she hit the stage. “I just have to say that you all give me so much inspiration and I just want to thank you guys.”

The concert cancellation came shortly after rumors sparked that Beyonce had another bun in the oven and certainly didn’t do much to help control the rumors.

For the record, her ensemble for the concert on Wednesday was revealing enough to suggest that there was no baby bump there (or that if there was a baby bump it is still incredibly small).

For now, however, the loose material of the ensemble and the cinch in at the waist is still enough to keep Baddie Bey on around the clock baby bump watch.



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