TV’s favorite Type-A personality and mother of 8 children, Kate Gosselin, will officially be back to TV on Celebrity Wife Swap. The busy mother of 8 will switch places for one week with ex-playboy model, Kendra Wilkinson.
Kendra, the former Girls Next Door star is trading places with the single mother of twins and sextuplets, while Kate Gosselin will stay with Wilkinson’s husband, former NFL player Hank Baskett, and their 3-year-old son.
This swap seems a little unfair. It’s obvious which reality starlet will need more sleep before the swap and more therapy after the swap-back.
Celebrity Wife Swap is known for having celebrity wives swap places with someone from a completely opposite lifestyle for an entire week. In this instance, it is safe to say that the show is living up to its objective.
While Kate is busy packing lunches, doing laundry and running her kids around to various after school activities, Kendra is practicing her moves on the stripper pole she had installed in her living room.
The former Kate Plus 8 starlet is divorced, so Kendra will not have a husband to tend to, unlike Kate, who will have Hank Baskett to watch her every move.
Celebrity Wife Swap aims to show the husbands struggle with the “intruder’s” new household rules. If any Jon and Kate Plus 8 fans are tuning in, I think they can already imagine how strict and orderly the new household will be run.
As for Kendra, she will have the Gosselin nannies to answer to, since no sane mother would leave her 8 children to fend for themselves for an entire week with Kendra.
Celebrity Wife Swaps premieres February 26 at 8 p.m. on ABC.