Oh yay. Another vampire movie. Let’s get excited, guys. Why aren’t you excited? Can’t you tell how excited I am?
Okay, so another bloodsucker tale tossed onto the pile isn’t exactly scintillating. But what if it’s directed by Joe Carnahan? Huh? How about that? …No? Hrm, you’re right. So, uh, hey, how about the plot? Undying Love is a graphic novel by Tomm Coker and Daniel Freedman, about an ex-soldier who falls in love with a vampire, and must battle an army of Hong Kong gangsters in order to kill her creator so that he can be with her. …Yeah, that’s not so exciting, either. It sounds like a Twilight-ish level of romance, but with a whole bunch of muscle tossed in to make it palatable for bros.
Speaking of bros, the biggest takeaway I got from that Deadline article is that Carnahan is apparently honestly pushing for The Grey, the Liam-Neeson-punching-wolves-except-he-doesn’t-actually-punch-any-wolves movie from early this year, as an Oscar contender. Good luck with that.