Health Benefits of the Nutrient-Packed Lemon

Lemons were originally used by the Romans as a natural breath sweetener. This versatile fruit contains a wealth of properties that enhance our health. The lemon is packed full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. (Vitamins B3, B5, C, E, beta-carotene, biotin, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, limonene, flavenoid, fiber and carbohydrates.)

The citrus fruit is a powerhouse of vitamin C that boosts ones immune system, strengthens walls of blood capillaries and aides in the healing of wounds.

Lemons contain a chemical called limonene. It has been proven to slow down the growth of cancer. They can treat some respiratory tract infections through its antiseptic properties. Plus, when the juices are used as a gargle it can relieve sore throats and keep gums healthy and revitalized.

Sometimes lemons are used in treatments that can inhibit the growth of bacteria through natural antifungal properties. That is why they are so popular and, included in the chemical make-up of beauty products, hair conditioners and facial or skin cleansers.

Lemons are also used as a topical treatment due to their antifungal and astringent properties. When used this way, lemons can help treat skin infections such as an abscess or a boil.

The citric acid in this fruit can stimulate the gallbladder which encourages healthy digestive functions. It also works as a stimulant on the liver as well for the purpose of detoxification. Citric acid also has an antibacterial qualities that reduces discomfort in the intestines as well as relieve bloating and heartburn.

Remember: The citric acid in the lemon can be detrimental to tooth enamel. It is best for your teeth to wait 20 minutes after consuming lemons before brushing your teeth. This will prevent the enamel from erosion and possibly tooth decay.

Source: Examiner

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