Update-Beyonce talks music, motivation, Jay-Z, Kanye West and more importantly, her legacy in the August/September 2011 issue of Complex magazine.
On choosing the right music:
“I’ve found that with hit records the melody and lyrics come together [naturally]. I usually know from the hook if the song is something that transcends language, race, and genre, and if it’s something that affects pop culture. It’s something I can visualize people singing in stadiums all over the world. But my favorite songs on my albums are usually not my singles.”
On staying motivated:
“Whenever I feel bad, I use that feeling to motivate me to work harder. I only allow myself one day to feel sorry for myself. People who complain really get on my nerves. When I’m not feeling my best I ask myself, ‘What are you gonna do about it?’ I use the negativity to fuel the transformation into a better me.”
On holding her own throne:
“There is room on this earth for many queens. I have an authentic, God-given talent, drive, and longevity that will always separate me from everyone else. I’ve been fortunate to accomplish things that the younger generation of queens dream of accomplishing. I have no desire for anyone else’s throne. I am very comfortable in the throne I’ve been building for the past 15 years.”
On her husband Jay-Z:
“Jay’s music is more than music. His lyrics have fathered generations. All that he has overcome gives millions so much hope. There are moments when I see his lips moving and I can see lyrics floating above his head and I think, ‘Wow! How did I get so lucky to be able to witness this level of genius so closely?’”
On Kanye West:
“The fact that he’s belting out his pain, his confusion, and his anger, with no pre-written lyrics, was so moving. He’s singing his heart out for five minutes. He is so vulnerable. I love when an artist can be so honest.”
On her legacy:
“I just want my legacy to be great music. Someone who was a risk taker and someone who had songs that struck conversation and emotion.”
Beyonce was fairly straightforward in this interview. What do you think of her comments on her throne, Jay-Z and Kanye West? Check out Beyonce’s BTS below: