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Hampton U Students Sick and Tired of Deplorable Living Conditions at Their School

Hampton University students took to social media last week to express outrage over poor living conditions on campus.

Students say their concerns about mold-infested dorms, spoiled cafeteria food and even sexual assault complaints have fallen on deaf ears and that nothing is being to rectify it. Using the hashtag #HUTownHall, students shared shocking photos of conditions at their school in hopes that their voices would be heard and changes would be made.

Students said their complaints have been brushed off by school administrators for far too long and now they want something done about it.

“It’s almost like we’re not at the same school — us and the administration,” one student told WAVY News. “Because what they’re looking at Hampton as and what we’re actually going through is two different things. Don’t act like everything is perfect when it’s not perfect. And don’t give us empty answers.”

Some students also felt the need to clap back at HU alums who they said bashed them for speaking out about the issues on campus, rather than “keeping it in-house.”

Members of the Hampton administration have since responded to issues brought by students at last week’s meeting, saying they’d like to “move forward” and find viable solutions to their complaints.

In addressing the issue of sexual assault claims not being properly handled, Student Government President Martha Baye assured students that all such reports were relayed to the University’s Office of Title IX and handled according to federal guidelines. In a statement, the university also announced plans to create a Food Services Working Group comprised of 10 students who’ll meet once per month to address issues concerning food quality.

“We are pleased to present these solutions in collaboration with elected student leaders and the Administration to the student body and alumni as an active effort to bridge the gap,” Baye wrote. “We look forward to the progress that will be made.”

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